Paypal – Skype Money App for Android iOS:
Do you use Skype? With Skype, you not only can video call and chat. But you can also now do money transactions, send and receive. Thanks to the new Paypal integration on Skype Mobile app.
People residing in regions like: Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, US, UK, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Estonia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Finland, France, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands and Portugal can now easily send or receive payment via Skype Mobile application using their iOS or Android device. Well, if you didn’t see your region, it is only a matter of time before it gets to your region. Just keep using Skype and keep checking for the payment feature.
PayPal just want to integrate with virtually any app that deems worthy, to garner more users into its payment platform. Recent integration include Samsung Pay, Baidu, and Android Pay. If your region is supported, simply update to the latest Skype update, on either Playstore(Android) or App Store (iOS) to enjoy the new feature.
You can easily send money during chats with friends, clients, colleagues, family etc in few clicks just within the mobile app, awesome!. Receiving money on the Skype Mobile app requires no special update, will work with your current version. While, sending will require a recent version at least a 2017 type. You can now transfer funds, available in 22 countries and will also expand to other regions with time.
To send money using your Skype App on Android or iOS devices simply, use the steps below:
Send Money through Skype Application iOS Android
- Ensure you have the latest version of Skype. Goto Playstore or App store on your Android device or Apple iOS and update or install new package.
- Sign into Skype.
- Start a chat between you and another person.
- Swipe to the right side, to send money to the person.
- Tap on Send Money.
- Select your Location.
- Select Recipients current country location.
- Tap Next
- A prompt pops up which directs you to enter Paypal Account.
- Transfer your funds.
- After successful transfer, you get a receipt of transfer in your Chat box.
Receiving Money through Skype Application iOS Android
Money Transfer Card can be found inside of Skype application. This card allows recipient to receive funding. To receive funding:
- Tap, on Receive Money Through PayPal
- A prompt directs you, to login you PayPal Account. You can create a new one instead.
- Your payment history is shown.
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