Block All Internet Access on your Computer
We be looking at quick steps you can easily employ to BLOCK and UNBLOCK all of internet access on your computer. You might have encountered some situations that you may have wanted to block all internet access to your computer. This post contains easy follow through steps, any one can use to block all internet connectivity on their computers.
When you apply the steps given in this post, you would be able to prevent users from completely using your computer to access website pages. Again, you also get quick ways to disable and UNBLOCK the internet access connectivity. More like killing two birds with one stone. OK!.
So why Know how to Block all Internet Access ?
From a personal experience, I purchased internet data plan to use on my computer on a Metered network, that means a particular bandwidth is given for the price. So, one of my friends over the night, used most of the internet data bundles, aggressively streaming, PORN MOVIES. So, this came to my attention and notice.
I bought another internet data bundles, after the first one got exhausted while streaming movies. So this time I have to find a way to prevent this, again, I couldn’t go straight to my friend and tell him literally that: “hey!, Stop using my computer to stream unlimited movies”. Had to come up with another subtle way to go about it. So I blocked all of the internet access even while the metered internet connection on my computer was connected to the network; the catch!: No data was going in or out of the computer. My friend called no my attention: “Why the computer wasn’t accessing web pages”, then I replied:, “may be the network is having problems, check it out later”. Bam!. When ever I want to use my computer for internet, I unblock with just a press of a button, simple kid stuff!. So how do you go about blocking and unblocking your internet connection on your computer, to prevent or allow access to likes of, Facebook, Twitter, CNN etc. read on:
So you have read all of the epistle above, Let’s delve into the deal breaker, OK!. You can also implement what have done to block all of my internet access to my computer, your reason for blocking could be entirely different from mine. But, in the end we just make internet not accessible on our computer machines. And make it accessible again with just a press of a button when we deem fit.
How to Block All Internet Access on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
To block all internet Access on your Windows computer, whether you are using Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or even Windows Vista is the same follow through steps. We first Block all Inbound Connections of both UDP and TCP ports of the Windows Computer and Next, We block all of the UDP and TCP ports for outbound connections of the Windows computer. In the post below, we provide all of the steps each after each.
To also allow internet connections and undo the settings below is also simple, we also provided the steps. All you need is hit a button to toggle off the settings made. And toggle on whenever you need to block internet access connectivity on your computer.
Blocking All TCP Ports of Inbound Connection on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
Doing the steps of blocking all inbound connection, ensures internet connection going out of your computer is completely blocked. That is you can’t send data to the internet.
#1. Go to Control Panel on your computer
If you using Windows 8, 8.1, 10, Hold Windows Key+X, then scroll down to Control Panel and click. If you using any other Windows OS, simple locate the Control Panel and you are good to go!.
#2. Go to System and Security option
Inside the Control Panel, go under System and Security Option.
#3. Go to Windows Firewall
Inside the System and Security Option, click on Windows Firewall option.
#4. Go to Advanced Settings
Under Windows Firewall Option, click on the Advanced Settings option
#5. Go to Inbound Rules
Inside the Advanced Settings option, you would locate inbound rules and outbound rules. First click on the inbound rules options.
#6. Create New Inbound Rule
Under inbound Rules, locate a tab to create New Rule.
Under Rule Type Options, Select Port. Then click Next button below.
#7. Choose TCP Port
After Clicking Next button, Select TCP port and then select All Local Ports option. Then, hit the Next button.
#8. Block the Connection
Under options listed after hitting the next button, select on the option Block the connection
and then, hit on the Next button. Tick all of the options listed, Domain, Private and Public. And hit on the Next button again.
#9. Set a Nick Name for the Block Connection
Type any nick name of your choice that you can easily relate to, inside the text field option under Name. In our case, we chose BB1, And then hit on the Finish button. Voila!.
Next step is to also apply this Rule for UDP port. That is, all UDP connections of inbound rules. To do this we go back to the Inbound and Outbound Rules tab in Control Panel again and then Select Inbound Rules, then Create a new Rule and choose the UDP option instead this time. That is: Control Panel>>System and Security>>Windows Firewall>>Advanced Settings>>Inbound Rules>>UDP. See steps below:
Blocking All UDP Ports of Inbound Connections on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 to Block Internet Access
We apply same steps as in the TCP blocking above:
that is,
Control Panel>>System and Security>>Windows Firewall>>Advanced Settings>>Inbound Rules>> Select UDP. Tick on All Local Ports
but we name the UDP Rule with another name at the end of the setup. In our case we chose BB2. That means BB1=TCP and BB2=UDP. Voila!, we have now setup two rules for the inbound connection of the internet to block all of the connection, that is BB1 and BB2 in our case.
Doing all of the above ensures all internet connectivity coming inside your computer is completely blocked and sealed.
Unblocking all UDP and TCP Ports of the Inbound Rule to Enable Internet Access
To disable and unblock both internet rule settings we have implemented above to allow connection to the internet when you want. Simply, go back under the Inbound Rules again, Locate the Rule you have created for the internet connection, in our case it is BB1 and BB2, so to disable or enable we simply click on the Enable or Disable option to toggle off or On. Note, when ENABLED, all the internet access is blocked. When Disabled blocked internet access is, unblocked.
- To Disable the Rule and Allow Internet Connectivity Access: Select both rules(BB1, BB2), go to the tab by the right, and locate: Disable Rule. Click on the button to toggle off. See image below:
- To Enable the Rule and Block All Internet Connectivity Access: Select Both Rules again(BB1, BB2), go to the tab by the right. And click on the Enable Rule button. See image below:
We have rounded up with how you can block and unblock internet connectivity for the inbound rules for both UDP and TCP ports. Now let’s delve into the Outbound Rules.
Next step to do is to also block all of the internet connection and access coming inside of your computer, to ensure total blockage. So we then Go back to: Control Panel>>System and Security>>Windows Firewall>>Advanced Settings>>Outbound Rules. Then we continue from there and apply all of the settings we used in the inbound rules but, In the naming we use, BB3 and BB4 respectively for TCP and UDP ports in our case.
Blocking All UDP Ports of Outbound Connection on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
Go to: Control Panel>>System and Security>>Windows Firewall>>Advanced Settings>>Outbound Rules
Locate the tab, Create New Rule
#1. Select Rule Type
Under Rule Type option select Port and hit on the Next button
#2. Select Ports
Select TCP port and click on the option, All remote ports. And hit the Next button.
#3. Block the Connection
Click on the option to block connection and click the Next button.
#4. Select All the Profiles
Click on Domain, Private, and Public to Select all of it.
#5. Create a Nickname for your connection
Type a nickname in the text field to create a name you can remember, in our case we used BB3. Click on Finish button to conclude the whole setup for TCP.
Once you have done this, the Rule is now Active. That means all Internet Access of outbound of TCP have been block. Next step is appy same procedure for the UDP ports of Outbound Rules.
Blocking All UDP Ports of Outbound Connections on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 to Block Internet Access
Blocking all UDP ports of outbound connections helps to prevent all UDP connection coming inside of your computer. To prevent internet access. To do this, we do the steps as above, but under ports options we choose UDP instead. Then at the finish of the setup we apply a nickname we have not used, in our case we used BB4. That means BB3 blocks all TCP outbound connections while BB4 blocks all UDP outbound connections. OK!.
Go to: Control Panel>>System and Security>>Windows Firewall>>Advanced Settings>>Outbound Rule
Locate the Tab, create New Rule:
#1. Select Rule Type
Select Ports and hit the Next button to continue.
#2. Select Ports
Choose the option UDP and select the option All Remote Ports and then hit the Next button.
#3. Block the Connection
Click on Block Connection option and hit on the Next button
#4. Select Profiles
Select Domain, Private, and Public and hit on the Next button
#5. Create a Name for your connection
Create a nickname for the setup, in our case we used BB4. Next hit on the Finish button to conclude the setup.
Unblocking all UDP and TCP Ports of the Outbound Rule to Enable Internet Access
To enable internet access we can also toggle off our settings, by disabling the BB3 and BB4 rules we have created. To block again we apply the Rules again. To either enable or Disable to block and unblock internet access on our computer. We go back under the outbound rules option again. As in:
Control Panel>>System and Security>>Windows Firewall>>Advanced Settings>>Outbound Rules
Then we find the rules created earlier, we highlight both of them to either enable or disable. See image, below if you want to Enable the Rule after disabling it.
Wrapping UP
When you apply everything shown in this post, you would be able to quickly block and unblock internet access connectivity on your computer. If you would want a video instead do leave me reply to make one in order to see how it can be done in a breeze.
OK! Happy Blocking and Unblocking
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