Configure Proxy Server on Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Baidu, UCweb
If you are faced with a situation whereby need arises to configure your browser in order to connect over a proxy server to access the internet but find
it difficult. Here’s a quick guide. In most browsers the option of connecting over proxy is usually located in the settings, tools and networks option of the browser application.
Below is the step by step process to follow in order to configure your browser to surf via a proxy network. There are many reasons why you may want to configure your browser to surf via a proxy. Example, an ISP configuration may require you enter in a proxy for internet connectivity. Thus, entering the settings into your web browser becomes necessary.
For Internet Explorer:
If you are using internet Explorer on your desktop or PC. Then, use the following procedures to set proxy network on your PC
—- Hover to the top right hand corner of Internet Explorer. Under tools
—- Locate Internet options. under Connections. Goto LAN Settings
—- Untick both Automatically detect settings and Use automatic configuration script
—-Tick the option use a proxy server for LAN
—- Then type in the Address and Port for your proxy.Press OK
For Mozilla FireFox
—- Hover to the top right hand corner or any location where you will find the Option tab.
—-Goto Advanced option. Under Settings choose Manual proxy configuration
—- Input the address of your proxy server and port number under HTTP proxy and Port respectively
—- Tick Use this proxy server for all protocols. Press OK
For Chrome browser
—- Hover to the top right corner click and locate Settings
—-Click Show advanced settings
—-Under Networks click proxy settings and follow the same step for Internet Explorer.
Note: To connect normally without a proxy. Go back and undo the whole settings to default,
as some network require only the default settings.
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